Powers-Beck, Jeffrey. "'Chief'." The American Indian Quarterly, vol. 25, no. 4, Fall 2001, pp. 508+. Gale In Context: U.S. History, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A93009072/UHIC?u=oldt1017&sid=bookmark-UHIC&xid=6247ffb4. Accessed 5 June 2023.
"The Myth Behind the First Cleveland Indian: Louis Sockalexis." Daily Beast, 29 Oct. 2016, p. NA. Gale In Context: High School, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A469401063/SUIC?u=maine&sid=bookmark-SUIC&xid=832cfb13. Accessed 5 June 2023.
Bloch, Jessica. "Recognizing Louis Sockalexis Local author making pitch for Penobscot Indian to Baseball Hall of Fame." Bangor Daily News, Jun 04, 2005, pp. 1. ProQuest, http://galesupport.com/mainegeo?pl=http://search.proquest.com/newspapers/recognizing-louis-sockalexis-local-author-making/docview/414212631/se-2.
Resources in the Library
Baseball's First Indian by Ed Rice
Call Number: BIO SOC
ISBN: 9781608936731
Publication Date: 2019-08-21
Born in 1871 on Maine's Penobscot Indian reservation and nephew of a chief, Louis Sockalexis became professional baseball's first American Indian player. Ultimately, his prowess on the diamond inspired the name Cleveland's baseball team carries today. Exploring the brilliant but too-brief major league career of the "Deerfoot of the Diamond," Baseball's First Indian follows Sockalexis's rise to the majors, his fall to the minor leagues of New England, and his final return to the reservation in Maine, where he continued to coach baseball and work as an umpire. This fascinating study of the life of Louis Sockalexis is filled with game action and leavened by the flamboyant and colorful stories of 19th century sportswriters who frequently invented what the truth would not supply. It's a treasure for every student of baseball history.
David, Fleitz. “Louis Sockalexis – Society for American Baseball Research.” Sabr.org, 5 Jan. 2012, sabr.org/bioproj/person/louis-sockalexis/. Accessed 5 June 2023.
Charlie, Vascellaro. “The Real Indians of Baseball.” Magazine of Smithsonian’s National Museum of American Indian, 2012, www.americanindianmagazine.org/story/real-indians-baseball. Accessed 5 June 2023.
“This Penobscot Baseball Player Inspired the Cleveland Indians Name ‘for All the Wrong Reasons.’” Maine Public, WMEH, 25 July 2021, www.mainepublic.org/arts-and-culture/2021-07-25/this-penobscot-baseball-player-inspired-the-cleveland-indians-name-for-all-the-wrong-reasons. Accessed 5 June 2023.
"Deerfoot of the Diamond: 30 for 30 Shorts." ESPN. Original airdate 27 Sep 2022. Currently available on HULU (paid subscription)